Zadi Training, which bills itself as “a movement of badass babes who get s**t done” is a mix between CrossFit and a nightclub — without the champagne.

The new name in
female fitness.
Now Franchising - Don't Miss This Opportunity!
Introducing Zadi
A fitness movement created to unleash the ‘extraordinary’ in women.
Women are driving a change in the fitness industry. ZADI Training is the latest boutique female fitness studio filling a unique gap in a crowded market. ZADI caters to the growing demand for simplicity and specialisation with the HIIT and strength training programs, created specifically for female bodies and endorsed by exercise science. ZADI is powered by industry leading innovative technology to deliver targeted, personalised training that guarantees results.
ZADI In The Media
Boutique female fitness studio ZADI Training is preparing for a monster 2020, outlining plans to launch up to 50 studios in the next two years.
Boutique female fitness studio ZADI Training is preparing for a monster 2020, outlining plans to launch up to 50 studios in the next two years.
When Adala Bolto developed ZADI Training in 2017, she was coming off the back of being a fitness franchisee herself.